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Covering Arundel & surrounding areas
About The EqUINE Massage TherApist
Qualified and fully insured as a Level 4 Equine Sports Massage and Rehabilitation Therapist.
Member of the International Association of Animal Therapists, meaning I must abide by their Code of Conduct.
Attends regular CPD events in order to enhance my existing knowledge, expand my skills base and stay up-to-date with the industry’s best practices.
Genuinely passionate about improving your horse’s health and welfare.
Benefits of eqUine Massage TheRapy
Through skilled touch and therapeutic techniques, the gentle rhythm of equine massage can:
Enhance PerforMance
Elevate your horse's performance to new heights. Equine massage helps improve flexibility, range of motion and muscle tone, thereby optimizing athletic abilities and reducing the risk of injuries.
AccelErAte Recovery
From intense workouts to injury rehabilitation, equine massage accelerates the healing process. It aids in reducing inflammation, relieving soreness, increasing blood circulation and fostering faster recovery and rejuvenation.
PrOmote overAll
Equine massage not only benefits the physical body but also supports mental health.
Regular equine massage sessions can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate.
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